A Legacy of Labor

Most leaders aren’t thinking about legacy unless they are nearing retirement or death. After all, legacy is typically associated with money or property bequeathed to one’s heirs.

But what if legacy also includes the intangibles a leader models during a lifetime – principles, values, behaviors – and yes, even labor.

My Experiences

My parents instilled the value of hard work and doing a good job while I was still very young. I made my own bed, cleaned up my toys, washed and dried dishes, and weeded the garden. These chores were viewed as honorable labor and I was taught how to do them well.

It was a source of pride for dad to have a son who could mow the grass without making “skippers” (his lingo for missing a spot). He taught me to alternate the direction with each mowing and how to blow the grass away from sidewalks and driveways.  I thought of him every time I was working on my lawn and, yes, I mowed in alternate directions.

Labor included caring for the rabbits and goat we raised as children. When my family moved to a farm the definition of labor changed significantly. There were calves to feed, cows to milk, and stalls to clean. Summers were spent stacking hundreds of hay bales. Heat and humidity didn’t deter us from gathering stones on freshly tilled soil or cutting thistles in pasture fields.

Dirty fingernails, calloused hands, and a beachgoer tan were evidence of my hard work. While many schoolmates filled their summer sports or travel, and may have learned the discipline of practice, but my legacy of labor will always be different.

Leadership Labor Lessons

As our nation celebrates Labor Day weekend, mostly with football, family, and picnics, I will be reflecting on these leadership labor lessons learned from my childhood.

  • No job is too small or insignificant.

  • There is a correct way to do things and we shouldn’t take shortcuts.

  • Always do your best, even when no one is watching.

  • Take pride in your work.

  • Don’t make excuses.

  • Apologize for your mistakes.

A legacy of labor isn’t about mistreating others, or even yourself.

Power and ego should never control a workplace or family environment.

Instead, find ways to ensure your leadership is conveying a lesson about the value of working hard, regardless of the outcome.

Let’s make labor a legacy worth passing on to every future generation.

Photo Credit: istockphoto.com


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